Sunday, August 13, 2006

Pi, Here's Your Close Up

Jennie has asked for a closeup of Pi's stitches. I'm flattered. Really flattered.

Basically Pi is from EZ's almanace and it's done as the shawl with concentric holes. I threw a homemade pattern in when the knitting got REALLY boring, then went back to a straight-knit two sections before starting the acursed edging. Here's a better shot (a bit blurry, but it was either that or wash it out with the flash):

And that's all the blogging for a few days. I hope to make lots of progress and bring photos of knitting relaxing on the beach. To acquire internet while at the beach would bring (believe it or not) a compulsion to do work, so I'm opting to avoid if possible. The weather should be great, and both boys (three, if you could Husband) are all very excited. Me? I've been up since before 7 a.m.

Have a great week!

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